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Psychic Readings

Readings are available seven days a week by appoinment Only.

Mama J, provides service between the hours of 9 A.M - 10 P.M

Readings are done in-person or by phone.

Mama J, will tell you which way is best for you.

Some by phone / Others in person

Schedule your consultation with Mama J, Now and talk with her one on one, with what is going on in your life.

Mama J's, Readings are to assist you to move towards prosperity, physical spiritual health and emotional happiness.

Mama J, will give you insight to have peace of mind, with your most deepest problems and situations that are occurring in your life.

Mama J, will determine the circumstances of evaluate of your case, tell you what you need to do and how to fix it.

Mama J, will give you the whole truth, exactly how she sees it from the spirits.

Weather it's delightful or difficult information to take in, your going to receive the truth.

Once Mama J, takes in your case, results are permanent.

©2013 Rev. Mother Jayce, All rights reserved